Penard Labs

The Fascinating World of Amoebae
Labyrinthulomycetes Dick 2001
Mainly osmotrophic cells capable of producing an ectoplasmic network of branched, anastomosing, wall-less filaments via a specialized organelle known as the bothrosome; Golgi-derived scales; biciliated zoospores with lateral insertion in many species.

1. Amphitremida Gomaa et al. 2013
With two symmetrical pseudopodial tufts; phagotrophic and mixotrophic; no bothrosome.

1.1. Amphitremidae Poche 1913
Test organic with or without attached extraneous material.

1.1.1. Amphitrema Archer 1870
Test organic with attached extraneous material; always with Chlorella symbionts.
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Amphitrema wrightianum Archer 1869

1.2 Diplophrys Barker 1868
Cells nearly orbicular or ellipsoid; covered with overlapping Golgi-derived organic disc-shaped scales; an oil-like refractive often orange-to-amber–colored globule immersed in the cytoplasm.
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Diplophrys archeri Barker 1868

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Diplophrys archeri deviding cell.

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Diplophrys sp. colony