Leptomyxidae Pussard and Pons 1976, emend. Smirnov et al. 2016
Lobose amoebae forming pronounced adhesive uroid or numerous adhesive uroidal filaments in locomotion.
Leptomyxa sp. or Rhizamoeba sp.
1. Leptomyxa Goodey 1915, emend. Smirnov et al. 2016
Amoebae of various shape, from limax-like to branched, expanded, reticulate plasmodia-like organisms. Low-mobile or non-mobile cells can adopt expanded, comet-like shape. Various numbers of nuclei – from one to several thousands. Species distinction at the morphological level is very difficult or impossible.
2. Flabellula Schaeffer, 1926 emend. Smirnov et al. 2016
Amoebae in locomotion flattened, flabellate, with prominent anterior hyaloplasm irregularly triangular or fan-shaped. Limax form adopted only under unfavourable conditions. Uninucleate or possessing few nuclei.
3. Rhizamoeba Page 1972 emend. Smirnov et al. 2016
Amoebae altering locomotive morphology from limax-like to flabellate, fan-shaped and possessing collosomes in a single studied species. Uninucleate or possessing limited number (less than 50) nuclei. Cells never adopt expanded, comet-like shapes.
Rhizamoeba sp. limax form
Rhizamoeba sp. floating form