Synurales Andersen 1987
Predominantely ciliated cells, benthic palmelloid colonies known; swimming cells usually with two anteriorly directed cilia – one bearing tripartite tubular hairs with short and long lateral hairs on their shafts. Cells covered with bilaterally symmetrical silica scales; eyespots absent. With statospores.
1. Synura Ehrenberg 1834
Spherical or ovoid, free-swimming colonies with loosely associated cells united by their tails in the center of colony. Each cell surrounded by a covering consisting of silica scales, their ultrastructure primarily defining the species. Cells with two cilia of almost equal length. Sometimes with amoeboid and palmella stages.
Synura sphagnicola Korshikov 1929
Synura petersenii Korshikov 1929
Synura sp. single cell with silica scales
Synura spinosa Korshikov 1929
2. Mallomonas Perty 1852
Cells solitary, surrounded by an envelope of silica scales. In most species some or all scales with silica bristles.
Mallomonas sphagniphila Nicolls 1987